So, What Keeps Me from Writing?

Resistance, Writer’s Block, Anxiety, The List Goes On

Joanne Leigh McKann
2 min readJan 23, 2022
Brown Wooden Desk by Pixabay @ Pexels

Okay, what does keep me from writing?

Sounds like a strange question for someone who is a writer to ask themselves but it’s really not. After all, this is one of the writing prompts for Creators Hub Write Here page. And I could not pass up an opportunity to share or vent what stands in my way.

I wish I could say it was a single thing but that is simply not the case. In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield sums it up in one word — resistance.

What does he mean by resistance? Resistance is not a single thing but more an umbrella term encompassing the inner struggles writers and other creators face when trying to bring their visions to fruition.

Resistance comes in many forms. When I think of it, I envision a multi-headed hydra that I metaphorically face in battle when sitting down to get my words on paper. One head is fear, the other imposter syndrome, another is procrastination. Right now, I have sharpened my sword and am taking whacks at each head one by one.

I have written about resistance in other articles I’ve posted. Yet I am still here, dealing with it. Resistance is persistent and relentless. Each head I whack with my sword finds a way of growing back and sprouting anew.

